SIPROTEC universal 7SX800 (Siemens)




From Siemens | for the Future | for You. The universal protection relay SIPROTEC 7SX800 has the high development and manufacturing quality of Siemens, is equipped for future challenges and is predestined for beginners and professionals alike. This efficient and compact device protects your feeders, lines and motors in the medium-voltage power grid in the utility and industrial sectors.

Directional and non-directional overcurrent protection with additional functions

Detection of ground faults of any type in compensated or isolated electrical power systems using the following functions: 3I0>, V0>, transient ground fault, cos φ,
sin φ, harmonic detection, dir. detection of intermittent ground faults, and admittance

Optimized operate times thanks to directional comparison

Motor protection functions: Startup time supervision, thermal overload protection for stator and rotor, restart inhibit, unbalanced-load protection, load-jam protection

Stator and bearing-temperature monitoring via temperature sensors with external RTD unit

Sensitive ground-fault protection (directional, non-directional) to detect stator ground faults

Controlled automatic reclosing of overhead line sections

Overvoltage and undervoltage protection

Frequency protection and rate of frequency change protection for load-shedding applications

Underfrequency load shedding in case of underfrequency, taking into consideration changed infeed conditions due to decentralized power generation

Power protection, configurable as active or reactive-power protection

PQ – Basic: Voltage unbalance; voltage changes: Overvoltage, dip, interruptions; TDD, THD, and harmonics

Directional reactive power undervoltage protection (QU protection)

Control, synchrocheck, and switchgear interlocking protection

Circuit-breaker failure protection and reignition monitoring

Graphical logic editor

Single-line representation

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