RTU560 product line

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Superior scalability for grid automation and control

Substation automation product for transmission and sub-transmission. RTU560 represents high-end network interfacing - offering maximum flexibility with the highest number of supported protocols for sub and host communications. Designed to handle the highly complex systems in grid automation and control interfacing. RTU560 connects to all kinds of IEDs, parallel I/Os, serial connected and communication via IEC 68150. All this real time data can then be transmitted to your central SCADA systems for critical actions - protecting your primary equipment from overloading of the grid. Optimize your investments with our long life cycle policy and benefit from our agile migration concepts.

Your benefits

  • Adaptability to changing conditions in your network
  • Secure flexibility with our modular platform that allows hot swap depending on your requirements
  • Precise data handling gives you peace-of-mind
  • Superior performance with up to 16 CMUs enables mass data handling
  • Experience of more than 40 years in substation automation make RTU560 a secure investment for you
  • Our agile migration concept saves your money and time

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کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این وب سایت ٬ متعلق به شرکت تکان انرژی است . طراحی و توسعه ٬ توسط شرکت ادیب گستر عصرنوین