RTU520 product line

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RTU520 product line

Intuitive insight for distribution systems

Distribution automation product for Hitachi Energy. Interface with your SCADA to obtain a complete understanding of the status of your grid on a distribution level with RTU520. Allowing for the simple integration of renewables into your excising networks. Low power consumption saves costs for uninterruptible power supply and makes your installation greener. Highly customizable design enables the adaptation of input and output modules based on your application requirements.

Your benefits

  • Efficient footprint allows to fit the RTU520 into small control cabinets
  • Intuitive handling allows faster project execution
  • User friendly design enables your employees to work fast and efficient with the products
  • Secure communication in public networks saves time and money and fulfills highest cyber security standards
  • Customizable product solution adapts fast and simple to changing requirements

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کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این وب سایت ٬ متعلق به شرکت تکان انرژی است . طراحی و توسعه ٬ توسط شرکت ادیب گستر عصرنوین